Hotel Miss Blanche

Discover our collection of 11 (canal) houses

Discover our collection of 11

(canal) houses

Discover our collection of 11 (canal) houses

Miss Blanche Quartier

Become a part of the city and discover our unique neighborhood

Discover the elegance of Groningen beyond our restored (canal) houses. Modern luxury and majestic details come together within the unique atmosphere and appearance of our boutique hotel. All facilities are within reach: as café de Sigaar provides a sophisticated ambiance by the water and Noorderplantsoen is around the corner. The Grote Markt, the forum and the academic building are within a five minute walking distance and our reception is eager to provide daily advice to your liking.

Rooms & suites

Enjoy a long stay in Groningen

Café de Sigaar

Experience a sophisticated ambiance by the canal


Become part of the city

private Parking

At only a two-minute walk from our reception is the private car park. As there are only a limited number of spaces, we recommend reserving your parking space right away.

Hotel Miss Blanche

Discover our collection of eight (canal) houses

Cafe de Sigaar

Experience a sophisticated ambiance by the canal

Short Stay

Enjoy a long stay in Groningen

Hotel Miss Blanche

Ontdek de collectie van acht (grachten)panden

Discover our collection of 11 (canal) houses

Miss Blanche Quartier

discover our unique neighborhood

Discover the elegance of Groningen from our restored (canal) premises. Modern luxury and majestic details come together within the unique atmosphere and appearance of our boutique hotel. All facilities are within reach: as café de Sigaar provides a sophisticated ambiance by the water and Noorderplantsoen is around the corner. The Grote Markt, the forum and the academic building are within a five minute walking distance and our reception is eager to provide daily advice to your liking.

Rooms & suites

Enjoy a long stay in Groningen

Café de Sigaar

Experience a sophisticated ambiance by the canal

miss blanche favorites

Become part of the city

private Parking

At only a two-minute walk from our reception is the private car park. As there are only a limited number of spaces, we recommend reserving your parking space right away. This can easily be done with our partner ‘My Way’ using the button below. Due to the traffic situation in Groningen, we request guests to drive to the car park first.

Check our parking page for more information about parking.

Hotel Miss Blanche

Hoge der A4

9712 AC Groningen

Hotel Miss Blanche

Hoge der A4

9712 AC Groningen